What’s Your Fav Color Large Sarah
Jolly Man in Pink Sailor
Ya Filthy Xmas Small Sarah
Christmas Cakes Dixie
Menorah Dixie
Home Solo Dixie
Cream Plaid Snowflakes Dixie
Red & Gold Snowflakes Dixie
Candy Elf Medium Piper
Golden Holly Medium Piper
NinnyMuggins Large Alice
I Ate Santa’s Cookies Large Alice
Striped Snowmen Large Alice
Cozy Cups Amber
Mean-Mobile Amber
Jolly Man in Green Amber
Do You Want to Make a Snowman Large Phoebe
Home Solo Large Phoebe
Poinsettia Bow
Santa’s Coming Avery
Pink Vintage Santa Avery
Light the Night Large Sarah
Hero Cookies Large Sarah
Baby D Friends Large Sarah